Pradaksina Tujuh Bidadari

Sukanadi, I Made (2022) Pradaksina Tujuh Bidadari. [Artefact]

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Konsep Penciptaan Karya Pradaksina 7 Bidadari Lengkap.pdf

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Starting from a joint discussion with the owner of Villa Candhari Heaven, who discussed at length the basic idea of making the villa, to the concept and function of the building as a whole, in essence the villa was built as a form of representation of the natural atmosphere of heaven. Listening to what has been revealed by the owner and initiator of Villa Candhari Heaven, all those present in the discussion were brought into the imagination space about kahyangan, which in the big Indonesian dictionary the word kahyangan comes from the word "kah-yang-an", deity, which has the meaning of the place of the Gods. At that time various ideas emerged, artistic ideas to describe the natural atmosphere of heaven which is said to be often described as a place filled with an aura of purity, tranquility, peace, glory, luxury, luster, all of which are summarized in a spiritual atmosphere. The Angels are also an interesting part of the conversation, it is said that these angels are residents of the heavens, as servants or loyal servants of the Gods who always faithfully accompany and serve them. Angels as inhabitants of heaven, by the general public are often described as women who have a perfect appearance and beauty. After going through a long discussion, it can finally be concluded that the theme raised is the depiction of life in the heavens, which will later be visualized into a monumental work and in visualizing the idea using the aesthetic approach method, the library method, the observation method and the creation of three stages of six steps by Gustami Sp, the embodiment process with conventional techniques. This work was created to decorate the ceiling of the restaurantroom measuring 7 meters × 12 square meters, in the form of a curative style painting filled with latticework using the lletice work technique on gold-colored canvas, which is then painted with a light green-brown wash technique, It is hoped that the combination of these colors and techniques and combined with painting techniques will give an elegant impression. Keywords: Pradaksina Tujuh Bidadari, conventional, wash technique and painting

Item Type: Artefact
Sukanadi, I Madenidn0031126253
ArtistSukanadi, I Madenidn0031126253
Subjects: Kriya > Kriya Tekstil
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Rupa > Jurusan Kriya > D3/D4 Batik dan Fashion
Depositing User: I Made Sukanadi
Date Deposited: 06 Oct 2022 03:06
Last Modified: 06 Oct 2022 03:28

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