Bentuk Penyajian Tari Nandak Ganjen Karya Entong Sukirman Di Sanggar Ratnasari Kota Jakarta Timur

Surya Putri, Khansa (2024) Bentuk Penyajian Tari Nandak Ganjen Karya Entong Sukirman Di Sanggar Ratnasari Kota Jakarta Timur. Skripsi thesis, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.

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Nandak Ganjen is a dance created by Entong Sukirman in 1998. At first, this dance was created for the needs of the Nusantara dance parade competition held at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, through this dance Ratnasari group won the overall champion in the competition. Then after the victory, more and more people were interested in learning Nandak Ganjen Dance. Likewise, until the researcher had the opportunity to study this dance and was interested in raising the presentation form of the Nandak Ganjen dance as a thesis title because he felt that the Nandak Ganjen dance had something unique in terms of motion, costume, and music. This paper discusses " The Form of Presentation of Nandak Ganjen Dance by Entong Sukirman in Ratnasari Studio, East Jakarta". The form of dance presentation is how a dance is presented on stage. To solve the problem, researchers used Y. Sumandiyo Hadi's book entitled Dance Studies: Text and Context. In this book it is explained that textual studies are dance seen as a physical form that can be read and understood through written text. This is understood as a dance written in text (form of presentation) is what appears from the outside (can be felt by the senses). To complement the theory, this writing also uses the book Elements of Basic Dance Composition translated by Soedarsono which discusses the elements contained in a dance. The results of the research that has been done, found 8 elements that support the performance of Nandak Ganjen dance. The elements discussed in the discussion chapter are themes, dancers, movements, accompaniment, makeup and clothing, performance time, performance venue, and floor patterns. Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the form of presentation is a whole and inseparable unit, where each element involved supports each other to create a comprehensive meaning in the Nandak Ganjen dance.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Surya Putri, Khansanim2011870011
ContributorWijayanti, Jiyunidn0030016003
ContributorLies Apriani, Winarsinidn0016046111
Uncontrolled Keywords: Nandak Ganjen Dance, Form of Presentation, Entong Sukirman
Subjects: Tari > Pengkajian Tari
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan > Jurusan Tari > Seni Tari (Pengkajian)
Depositing User: Khansa Surya Putri
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2025 06:47
Last Modified: 19 Feb 2025 06:47

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