Menemukan Formula Sinematografi Seni Pertunjukan

Arif Eko Suprihono, NIP 131661167 and Andri Nur Patrio, - (2011) Menemukan Formula Sinematografi Seni Pertunjukan. Resital, 12 (1). pp. 31-45. ISSN 2085-9910

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The formula of performing arts cinematography. The focus of cinematography for performing arts is intended to a discussion about the making of lighting and camera choices when recording performing arts activities on stage for the television programs. Television is the form in which something is conveyed accomplished, or transferred to a large number of people. The issues of ‘the effects’ of television miss leading programs needs to be asked not only in terms of effects or audience activity but also in terms of missing opportunities for cultural diversity to be expressed on television’s creativities. Every aspect of television exhibits a reliance on genre, which are categorical clusters of discursive process that transect texts via their cultural interactions with industries, audiences, and broader contexts. We might begin a discussion by starting with a textual examples such as kethoprak humor, wayang kulit, opera van java as an industrial practice, a historical shift, or an audience controversy,

Item Type: Article
Arif Eko Suprihono, NIP 131661167UNSPECIFIED
Andri Nur Patrio, -UNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sinematografi, Seni Pertunjukan, ketoprak humor
Subjects: Televisi > Televisi
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Media Rekam > Jurusan Televisi > Program Studi S1 Televisi
Depositing User: Agustiawan Agustiawan
Date Deposited: 16 May 2019 04:25
Last Modified: 16 May 2019 04:25

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