Yogyakarta Dalam Kepungan Iklan; Sebuah Kajian Tentang Estetika Lingkungan

Prayanto Widyo Harsanto, 196302111999031001 (2014) Yogyakarta Dalam Kepungan Iklan; Sebuah Kajian Tentang Estetika Lingkungan. DeKaVe, 07 (02). ISSN 2087-9709

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Nowadays Yogyakarta faces many problems posed by the outdoor advertising placement. Streets in this city are flooded with vsrious outdoor advertising media. It worsens the messy outlook of Yogtakarta that has been resulted from the continuously growing number of buildings and dense trffic. The city's slogans, 'Yogyakarta Istimewa' and 'Jogja Berhati Nyaman', slowly loose its meaning. This study focuses on the fact that an interaction exists between advertising and social context. To describe the material object of this research, the outdoor advertising in Yogyakarta, Berleant and Victor Papanek's social-environment aesthetics approach is applied. Social-enyironment qesthetics is a contextual aesthetics meaning that the works of art are appreciated in correlation to the social environment context. Within their functionql context, advertisements are designed to persuasively deliver the marketing ffiessages of products and services to the target audiences. In the aestheticol context, the outdoor ads placement must consider the city planning, the ways of creating a beautifut city view, and the related rules. City visual image will build the city identity that diferentiates it from any other city. Good visual image of a city will provide the city with a good identity and vice versa, a bad city visual image is a bad identity for the city

Item Type: Article
Prayanto Widyo Harsanto, 196302111999031001UNSPECIFIED
Subjects: Disain > Disain Komunikasi Visual
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Rupa > Jurusan Disain > Disain Komunikasi Visual
Depositing User: IH Nurcahyadi Nurcahyadi
Date Deposited: 15 Dec 2016 01:42
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2016 01:42
URI: http://digilib.isi.ac.id/id/eprint/1225

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