Pendidikan Karakter Anak Prasekolah Melalui Bermain Karawitan Jawa

Budi Raharja, - (2012) Pendidikan Karakter Anak Prasekolah Melalui Bermain Karawitan Jawa. Pelita Model, 1 (1). pp. 51-64. ISSN 2089-4023


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This article created for discussing the contribution of integrated kindergarten teaching learning model to build children's characteristic. The model of children gamelan playing intergrated with the kindergarten teaching learning and also use to introducing the Javanese etiquette, letter identification and reading practice, increasing children achievement and understanding mathematics concept. The children are introduced to Javanese sitting technique when they play gamelan, teacher's strategy for introducing letter and spelling it,Javanese children song is used to accompany children learn, some of mathematic is visualized by gamelan tones. As the result, children have knowledge and skill to play Javanese tradition arts and quality process together with their achievement are improving. Children can play some of gending, distinguish the slendro scale with the pelog scale, fallow the gamelan rhytm, and others like that; sound of gamelan which create the vibrant learning environment, encourage children to identify letters and spelling, improve children's ability to working together and their creativity, foster the children tolerance to other with their sense of patriotism, and increase the children achievement

Item Type: Article
Budi Raharja, -UNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: pembangunan karakter, gamelan anak, perubahan dan efektifitas
Subjects: Etnomusikologi
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan > Jurusan Etnomusikologi
Depositing User: Agustiawan Agustiawan
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2018 06:36
Last Modified: 08 Aug 2018 06:36

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