New Composition Concept for Keroncong Music in the Oboe Concerto with Keroncong and Orchestra

Singgih Sanjaya, - (2018) New Composition Concept for Keroncong Music in the Oboe Concerto with Keroncong and Orchestra. International Journal of Creative and Arts Studies, 5 (2). pp. 75-85. ISSN 2406-9760


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This research aims to design a new concept in keroncong music creation with an explorative method. Keroncong is one kind of entertainment musics in Indonesia that has a long existece and evolved up to today. Keroncong music is a musical mixture of a Western diatonic music with Javanese gamelan music. The term of keroncong comes from the sound "... crong crong crong ..." on the ukulele instrument that played rasquardo. An instrumentation music consists of: vocals, violin, flute, cak, cuk, cello, guitar, and bass. During this moment, keroncong is basically just served as a vocal accompaniment music. This becomes a driving force for the author to compose a special composition for keroncong music solo instrument. There is a new concept used in the arranging of this composition, as follows. This composition is designing a concerto, which is a type of the instrumental musics with a Western diatonic instrument on the part-one of the solo oboe and an english horn in part-two, with keroncong music and orchestra. Results of this design is "Oboe Concerto with Keroncong and Orchestra" which was staged in 2012 in Solo International Keroncong Festival (see Youtube: Singgih Sanjaya Concerto Oboe bag 1 & bag 2. The conclusion of these designs are as follows. Keroncong music will be able to stand on its own as an instrumental music.

Item Type: Article
Singgih Sanjaya, -UNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: new concept of composition, keroncong, oboe, orchestra
Subjects: Musik > Komposisi Musik
Musik > Penyajian musik (musik pertunjukan dan pop-jazz)
Musik > Pengkajian seni musik (musikologi dan pendidikan musik)
Journal dan Terbitan Berkala
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan > Jurusan Musik
Depositing User: Agustiawan Agustiawan
Date Deposited: 12 Feb 2019 01:47
Last Modified: 12 Feb 2019 01:47

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