Opera jawa langen mondrowanoro: model pembelajaran dan media transmisi nilai-nilai tradisional bagi generasi muda

Daruni, - and Tri Suhatmini, - (2010) Opera jawa langen mondrowanoro: model pembelajaran dan media transmisi nilai-nilai tradisional bagi generasi muda. Panggung, 20 (3). pp. 258-270. ISSN 0854-3429


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Langen Mandrawanara as a Javanese opera is one of the musical drama dance genres. The musical drama dance was created by the Yogyakarta Sultanate Aristocrats and has been preserved by Sembungan Village Community in an organization called Langen Muda Mandra Budaya.The research aims to study the interaction of two different cultures in a cultural performance and the process of cultural transmission and transformation. The study was a qualitative one and adopted a descriptive analytical method. To answer the research problem, the anthropoligical, sociological, and also choreographical approach is used.The result of the research is redesign Langen Mandrawanara more dinamic and attractive for young generation.In fact cultural identity is important, especially for young generation, we worry about young generation to day, and I think we must do something to be better for our culture, through performing arts especially Javanese opera. Affirmatif action to young generation is important in this time, because they are the future leaders and they must keep cultural identity as well as their soul.

Item Type: Article
Tri Suhatmini, -UNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: Langen Mandrawanara, young generations, transmission
Subjects: Tari > Pengkajian Tari
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan > Jurusan Tari > Seni Tari (Pengkajian)
Depositing User: Agustiawan Agustiawan
Date Deposited: 22 Feb 2019 07:07
Last Modified: 22 Feb 2019 07:07
URI: http://digilib.isi.ac.id/id/eprint/4086

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