Gamelan Music for Dance (Choreography)

Sumaryono, Sumaryono and Hadi, Sumandiyo (2018) Gamelan Music for Dance (Choreography). UNSPECIFIED. Lembaga Penelitian ISI Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.

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In understanding the "time structure" in a dance or choreography, it usually tends to associate the relationship of dance with its accompaniment. The artistic nature of the nature of the assumption that choreography or dance should be combined with accompaniment music is an open statement; however, one must realize that dance and music are interrelated, through their artistically inevitable use. It can be shown that the relationship between the two arts always chooses the way. The tradition of interdependence and mutual influence of both art is an understanding in the analysis of "time structure". Dance and music is a harmonious marriage. Never assume that music as a dance servant, but also the music should not dominate dance. In dance performances, music is really a companion, which is "accompanying" a choreography or dance. When a choreography has not been accompanied by music, it can not yet be fully felt, but when it comes together with a suitable musical accompaniment, the performance becomes complete, and the emotional touch is reached. Music as a choreography or dance accompaniment can be analyzed as a rhythmic function of dance movements, and serves as a melodic-illustrative supporting the atmosphere of the dance theme, or can occur both functions in harmony. Music as a rhythmic accompaniment that accompanies dance in accordance with rhythmic motion, or viewed from the point of dance; his motion requires only rhythmic pressure in accordance with his music accompaniment without any other pretense. The analysis of dance music as melodic-illustrative or supportive of the atmosphere, merely the rhythm or tempo or the division of time in music does not bind the motion and is not so noticed. While music as a harmonious choreography accompaniment is a combination of rhythmic music in accordance with its dance moves, and as melodicillustrative. Most of the dance uses music like this because to avoid static or monotonous and more varied, and for harmony between dance and music. The style or style of accompaniment for such choreography or dance depends on the background of the music stylist, as well as the ethnic cultural backgrounds of the choreography or dance created. Therefore, as a phenomenon of the existence of dance performance or choreography like that, it is very interesting to be studied, and analyzed, because it is expected to get a new finding or novelty related to method, concept, and theory.

Item Type: Monograph (UNSPECIFIED)
Sumaryono, Sumaryononidn0001115709
Hadi, Sumandiyonidn0017074907
Department: UPT Perpustakaan ISI Yogyakarta
Uncontrolled Keywords: gamelan, rhythmic, melodic-illustrative, harmonious, choreography
Subjects: Tari > Pengkajian Tari
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan > Jurusan Tari > Seni Tari (Pengkajian)
Depositing User: sugeng SW wahyuntini
Date Deposited: 28 May 2020 03:18
Last Modified: 02 Jun 2020 06:36

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