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Number of items at this level: 88.


Alberto, Mira (2021) The pop musical, sweat, tears, and tarnished utopias. Wallflower, New York. ISBN 9780231549295

Alexander García Düttmann, Alexander García Düttmann (2023) So What, or How to Make Films with Words. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PRESS.

Allen, Paul (2023) Artist Management for the Music Business. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta.

Anderson, Jack (2020) Ballet & Modern Dance : A Concise History. Third Edition. Princeton Book Company, Trenton, NJ. ISBN 9780871274014

Archer-Parré, Caroline and Mussell, James (2023) Letterpress Printing : Past, Present, Future. Peter Lang Ltd, International Academic Publishers, Oxford. ISBN 9781800794214. 9781800799295. 9781800799301

Armstrong, James (2022) Romantic Actors, Romantic Dramas : British Tragedy on the Regency Stage. Palgrave Macmillan.

Arturo Rodríguez Morató, Arturo Rodríguez Morató and Alvaro Santana-Acuña, Alvaro Santana-Acuña (2022) Sociology of the Arts in Action : New Perspectives on Creation, Production, and Reception. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Bang, James (2022) Script Analysis : Deconstructing Screenplay Fundamentals. A Focal Press Book.

Barnwell, Jane (2022) Production Design & the Cinematic Home. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783030904487. 9783030904494.

Baschiera, Stefano (2022) World cinema on demand. Bloomsbury Publishing Inc, New York. ISBN 978-1-5013-4860-0

Beaumont, Laura (2021) Writing for Animation. Bloomsbury Publishing Inc, New York. ISBN 978-1-5013-5865-4

Benjamin, Elizabeth (2021) Existentialy Comics: Bande Dessinee and the Art of Ethics. Peter Lang, Oxford. ISBN 9781800792739

Blum, Stephen (2023) Music Theory in Ethnomusicology. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. ISBN 9780199303526. 9780199303533. 9780197683743. 9780199303540


Cazeaux, Clive (2017) Art, Research, Philosophy. Taylor & Francis Group, London. ISBN 9781317654810

Chakraborty Paunksnis, Runa (2023) Gender, Cinema, Streaming Platforms. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9783031166990. 9783031167003

Crowdy, Denis (2022) Code Musicology. Lexington Books. ISBN 9781666909203



Dai, Dunsi (2021) Progressive Perspective Drawing for Theatrical Scene Design. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9780367860783. 9780367860790. 9781000342499. 9781000342550. 9781003016779.

Danica, Davidson and Rena, Saiya (2022) Manga Art for Everyone : A Step-by-Step Guide to Create Amazing Drawings. Skyhorse, New York. ISBN 9781510773622

Delligatti, T. M. (2020) Costume Design: the Basics. Taylor & Francis Group, New York. ISBN 9781000176247

Dwi Nurlidyana, Rizqiyani (2023) Kontinuitas dan Perbedaan Interior dan Ragam Motif Pada Umah Pitu Ruang Linge & Baluntara. Skripsi thesis, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.

Dwivedi, Prabha Shankar (2023) Aesthetics And The Philosophy Of Art. Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, UPT Perpustakaan ISI Yogyakarta.


Edwar, Fauziah Rahmah (2021) Penciptaan Tata Panggung Naskah Ozone Karya Arifin C. Noer. Skripsi thesis, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.

Ellysabeth Lubis, Louisye (2024) Pustaha Batak Sebagai Motif Batik Pada Busana Ready To Wear. Skripsi thesis, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.

Emerson, Gina (2023) Audience Experience and Contemporary Classical Music. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-003-14287-4

Erin Morse, Nicole and Horton, Ian (2022) Selfie Aesthetics : Seeing Trans Feminist Futures in Self-Representational Art. Duke University Press Books.


Faerm, Steven (2023) Introduction to Design Education Pratical Applications For Educators. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-1-003-04916-6

Filimowiez, Michael (2023) Designing Interactions For Music and Sound. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-1-003-14053-5

Fox, Anna and Caruana, Natasha (2021) Research in Photography : Behind the Image. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9780367552053. 9781350010499. 9781000195644. 9781000195668. 9781003093039.

Franco, Mark and Santana-Acuña, Alvaro (2022) The Dancing Body in Renaissance Choreography : Kinetic Theatricality and Social Interaction. Revised edition. London, UK : Anthem Press..

Funkenstein, Susan (2020) Marking Modern Movement : Dance and Gender in the Visual Imagery of the Weimar Republic. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. ISBN 9780472127085


Gray, Maggie and Horton, Ian (2022) Seeing Comics Through Art History : Alternative Approaches to the Form. Palgrave Macmillan.

Gunawan, Fx Rudi and Mumtaza, Aqilah and Firdaus, Azka Rayhan and Swara, Lintang Pramudia and Kustap, Kustap and Haura, Afifah Shafa and Nugroho, Titis Setyono Adi and Mukti, Bowie Putra Bayu and Wardoyo, Rebecca Nissi and Kusumaningrum, Maria Regina Murti and Kirana, Maula Waytisi and Malik, Cameron and Riano, Ulfa and Kiswanto, Kiswanto and Simanjuntak, Seane Rose Sabatini and Harnowo, Nehemia Borneo and Violina, Refa Nada and Moukoli, Riko Markus Januari and Hamida, Khairunnisa Putri and Inabuy, Fidelio S and Listiowati, Nensi and Isydora Bonggaminanga, Putri and Rajabasa, Bona and Dhani, Kurnia Rahmad and de Fretes, Daniel (2023) Gandara: Antologi Artikel Mahasiswa MBKM Program Studi Musik 2022-2023. Buku Litera, Yogyakarta. ISBN 62-0113-00591-7

Gusman, Tancredi (2023) Reconstructing Performance Art : Practices of Historicisation, Documentation and Representation. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781032231341. 9781032231358. 9781000879322. 9781000879360. 9781003275909.


Hageback, Niklas (2023) AI FOR ARTS. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta.

Haughton, Miriam and Balduino P. Fernandes, Alinne and Verstraete, Pieter (2023) Theatre, performance and commemoration : staging crisis, memory and nationhood. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London. ISBN 978-1-3503-0677-6

Houle, David (2012) The Arts (Entering the Shift Age, EBook 8). Sourcebooks, Naperville. ISBN 9781402282935


Ikhsantian, Bryan (2024) Perancangan Zine Sebagai Media Edukasi Penggunaan Kembali (Reuse) Sampah Kemasan Skincare. Skripsi thesis, Insitut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.

Indrayana, Andika (2021) Desain Elementer II: Prinsip-prinsip Tata Rupa Desain Grafis. BP ISI Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-602-6509-71-0


Kazuschyk, Kyla (2023) Creating Costumes for Devised Theatre. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-003-18117-0

Kintany, Alika (2024) Perancangan Buku Ensiklopedia Tentang Pemberdayaan Perempuan Berdasarkan Sustainable Development Goals. Skripsi thesis, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.

Kurth, Ernst (2022) Music Psychology. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-1-315-30791-6

Kuswosedjati, Kuswosedjati and Dina Isyanti, Dina Isyanti (2023) DAFTAR TAJUK SUBJEK PERPUSTAKAAN NASIONAL. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta.


La Frenais, Rob (2019) Anne Bean : Self Etc. Intellect Books. ISBN 9781783209477

Lajosi, Krisztina and Stynen, Andreas (2018) Choral Societies and Nationalism in Europe. BRILL, Leiden. ISBN 9789004300859

Lavender, Andy (2021) Neoliberalism, Theatre and Performance. Taylor & Francis Group, London. ISBN 9780429578243

Lusinia Wowiling, Magdalena (2023) Perancangan Buku Panduan Digital "Jelajah Wisata Kota Semarang dengan BRT Trans Semarang". Skripsi thesis, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.


Maguire, Cindy (2023) Arts and Culture in Global Development Practice. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta.

Marshall, Alice (2023) Entertainment in the Perfoming Arts. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta. ISBN 9781003014836

Martin, Michael T and Wall, David C. (2020) From Street to Screen : Charles Burnett's Killer of Sheep. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana. ISBN 9780253049537

Mc Guirk, Ellen Marie Saethre (2023) Making Things and Teaching the Creatice Arts in the Post-Digital Era: Seeing and Experiencing the Self and the Object throught a Digital Interface. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-0-429-32626-4

Mc Guirk, Ellen Marie Saethre (2023) Making Things and Teaching the CreativeArts in the Post-Digital Era: Seeing and Experiencing the self and the object throught a Digital Interface. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta.

McAssey, Jacqualine (2022) Fashion Styling 2nd Ed. Bloomsburry Visual Art, London. ISBN 9781350074101

Melissa, Wyse (2021) Artists in Residence. Chronicle Books LLC. ISBN 978-1-4521-7991-9

Michael Kahr, Michael Kahr (2023) Artistic Research in Jazz: Positions, Theories, Methods. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta.


Nur Cahyadi, Iyut (2024) Berkas SKP. https/


Olm, James (2022) Musical Theatre Script and Song Analysis Through the Ages. Methuen Drama, London. ISBN 9781350199323. 9781350199347. 9781350199361


Pavlidis, George (2022) Foundation of Photography: a Treatise on the Technical Aspects of Digital Photography. Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783031062513

Payne, Christopher (2021) A Beginner's Guide to Special Makeup Effects. New York, Routledge. ISBN 9780367554668

Perustakaan, ISI YK (2023) Materi Sosialisasi Layanan Digital Perpustakaan. ISI Yogyakarta.

Phu, Thy (2023) Cold War Camera. Duke University Press. ISBN 9781478023197

Puig, Alicia and Popova, Ekaterina (2023) Creative Business Handbook : Follow Your Passions and Be Your Own Boss. Chronicle Books LLC. ISBN 978-1-7972-1905-9


Raymond, Claire (2022) Photography and Resistance : Anticolonialist Photography in the Americas. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783030961572. 9783030961589.

Renger, Almut- Barbara (2012) Ancient Worlds in Film and Television : Gender and Politics. BRILL, Leiden. ISBN 9789004241923

Roche, Jenny (2022) Choreography: The Basics. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-003-02011-0

Roche, Jenny and Burridge, Stephanic (2023) Choreography the basics. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-1-003-02011-0

Rodríguez Morató, Arturo and Santana-Acuña, Alvaro (2022) Sociology of the Arts in Action : New Perspectives on Creation, Production, and Reception. Palgrave Macmillan.

Roggema, Rob (2023) Trends in Urban Design : Insights for the Future Urban Professional (Contemporary Urban Design Thinking). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-031-21456-1

Rokhani, Umilia and Laksono, Kardi and Purwandari, Retno and Arsita, Adya and Tyasrinestu, Fortunata and Hapsari, Prima Dona and Pramono, Bambang and Ikrarini, Estri Oktarena and Atiyatunnajah, Megawati (2023) Implementasi Kontekstualisasi Seni Di Tengah Masyarakat Era 5.0. BP ISI Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-5884-33-2

Rokhani, Umilia and Laksono, Kardi and Purwandari, Retno and Arsita, Adya and Tyasrinestu, Fortunata and Hapsari, Prima Dona and Pramono, Bambang and Ikrarini, Estri Oktarena and Atiyatunnajah, Megawati (2023) Implementasi kontekstualisasi seni di tengah masyarakat era 5.0. BP ISI Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-5884-33-2


Sanchez, Erin and Collins, Dave and MacNamara, Aine (2021) Performance Psychology for Dancers. Crowood, Ramsbury. ISBN 9781785007989. 9781785007996.

Schmitt, Arnaud (2022) The Photographer As Autobiographer. Palgrave Studies in Life Writing, Bordeaux France. ISBN 978-3-031-08854-4

Schuling, Floris (2023) Material Cultures of Music Notation:New Perspectives on Musical Incription. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-0-429-34283-7

Scott, Conohar (2022) Photography and Environmental Activism : Visualising the Struggle Against Industrial Pollution. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9781032265377. 9781350099517. 9781000182392. 9781000185577. 9781003086314.

Segal, Gail and Antonio, Sheril (2021) Dramatic Effects with a Movie Camera. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781350099494

Sinnerbrink, Robert (2022) New Philosophies of Film : An Introduction to Cinema As a Way of Thinking. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781350181922. 9781350181946. 9781350181953

Spiller, Henry (2023) Focus: Gamelan Music of Indonesia Third Edition. ISI Yogyakarta, ISI Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-1-003-01483-6

Stalter-Pace, Sunny (2020) Imitation Artist : Gertrude Hoffmann’s Life in Vaudeville and Dance. Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Illinois. ISBN 9780810141933

Susanto, Endro Tri and Prasetya, Rahmawan Dwi and Banindro, Baskoro Suryo and Jayadi, Nor (2023) SIIDEF Sewon international industrial design fair: an exhibition book. Penerbit ADPII, Yogyakarta. ISBN 9786026146762


Townsend, Katherine and Solomon, Rhian and Briggs-Goode, Amanda (2020) Crafting Anatomies : Archives, Dialogues, Fabrications. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, New York. ISBN 9781350075481


Ubaidillah Imanu, Hilmy (2024) Perancangan Zine Digital Gunungan Grebeg Sekaten Sebagai Media Informasi Budaya untuk Generasi Muda Yogyakarta. Skripsi thesis, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.


Villarejo, Amy (2013) Film Studies: the Basics 3rd Ed. Routledge, New York. ISBN 978-0-415-58496-8


Wang, Shuang (2023) From Stage to Screen: The Legacy of Traditional Chinese Theatre in Chinese Martial Arts Cinema Soundtracks. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 9789811970368

Watson, Fleur (2021) The new curator: Exhibiting architecture and design. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9781351029827

Woronkowicz, Joanna (2022) Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-031-18195-5


Xavier Antunes Sampaio, Flaviana (2021) Lighting Dance : A Study of Technical, Philosophical, and Psychological Shadows. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9780367219161. 9780367219178. 9781000617399. 9781000627374. 9780429268748


Zmijewski, Artur (2022) How to Teach Art? Diaphanes, Chicago. ISBN 9783035804362. 9783035804379

Zurr, Ionat and Catts, Oron (2023) Tissues, Cultures, Art. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-031-25887-9

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 20:03:06 2025 WIB.