Opening melody for patet sound space on shadow puppet theatre

Prasetya, Hanggar Budi and Putra, Ign Krisna Nuryanta and Wahyu Widodo, Tri (2020) Opening melody for patet sound space on shadow puppet theatre. In: 21st century innovation in music education. CRC Press/Balkema, London, pp. 395-410. ISBN 978-0-367-11122-9

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This study aims to understand the various types of melodies that play a role as opening patets (gamelan mode) in wayang (shadow-puppet theatre). The data for this study was obtained by observing the Kakrasana Wanengpinta shadow-puppet performance. Observations was focused on the parts that have changes in patet. Based on the research it can be concluded that there are two types of melodies used in the transition of patet changes, namely thinthingan and grambyangan, additionally, the vocals of the puppet master (dalang) who mimics thinthingan. Thinthingan and grambyangan are carried out by the gender, one of methallophone gamelan instruments. Thinthingan melodies are needed for light transitions, while grambyangan melodies are used for heavy transitions.

Item Type: Book Section
Prasetya, Hanggar Budinidn0002016802
Putra, Ign Krisna Nuryantanidn0017126501
Wahyu Widodo, Trinidn0014027301
Uncontrolled Keywords: musik, karawitan, wayang, gamelan
Subjects: Karawitan
Teater > Pengkajian seni teater (dramaturgi)
Penciptaan dan pengkajian seni
Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan > Jurusan Pedalangan
Depositing User: Agustiawan Agustiawan
Date Deposited: 27 Dec 2019 06:03
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2020 02:18

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